Friday 13 March 2015

Exclusive Interview with Rae Wright Voice Actor for Isis in "Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris" [By Guns and Grapple]

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Rae Wright, the talented voice actor behind Isis in the recently launched, "Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris". The character's role in the game was important as Isis drives the story forward; introducing the players to new situations and storyline aspects. Throughout the game, Rae's voice became a major part of creative an immersive gaming experience. Read our interview with her below!

To follow Rae's adventures, make sure to "Like" her Facebook page, HERE.

Photograph from Rae Wright's Professional Facebook Page.

How did you get the job and does applying for voice over work in the video games industry differ from other acting roles?

I was initially hired as a local actor to record Lara’s lines to help finalize the script. An audio placeholder, if you will, so they could hear how everything would flow. I was lucky enough to have a friend who was working on sound for the game and he threw my name into the mix. I submitted a demo reel and booked the job. They liked what I was doing and offered me the job for Isis’ voice.

As a gamer, how did you feel when you heard that you got the part?

I was beyond ecstatic! It’s always been a goal of mine to work on a video game so I got to check that off my list. But I hope to do more.

How much of an idea of the character did you have before the recording, either as preparation material sent by Crystal Dynamics or your own personal ideas on the sort of character?

Since I had already been reading the script for Lara, I was familiar with Isis. Also, Egyptian Mythology is something I have read a lot about over the years and it really helped me get Isis off the page.

Temple of Osiris was your first voice acting role in a video game, how was it and was the experience different to what you thought it might be?

It was a wonderful experience. I believe it really helped me having a theater background because you really have to convey everything through your voice. Camera work allows you to use your whole body and expressions but with voiceover you have to bring all that to the delivery through audio only. And you have to record all manner of strange scenarios… Getting punched/shot, being attacked by a wild animal, slipping and falling off a ledge… you get the idea haha.

Official screenshot from Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris.

How was it working with Crystal Dynamics?

I absolutely loved working with Crystal Dynamics. Being a gamer all my life, it honestly was surreal just being in the building.

How long did it take to complete the recording for the entire Temple of Osiris script?

We were able to have a table read with everyone and I believe we had about two or three recording sessions that were a few hours each.

Have you had the chance to check out the game yet? If so what did you think of it and was it strange hearing your voice in the game?

Yes, I have gotten a chance to play the game. I love it! I enjoyed GoL so I figured I would enjoy LC2 as well and it didn’t disappoint. It really is bizarre to hear myself. I haven’t gotten used to that yet.

The latest game had a distinctive art style which also took advantage of the next gen graphics, what are your thoughts on Isis’ design?

The graphics are just beautiful. The landscapes are so vast and detailed and the characters have so much depth. I am amazed at what designers can create as everything advances. It is fascinating!

Promotional Image for Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris.

The end hinted towards possible sequels for Temple of Osiris, if you had the opportunity to voice Isis again, would you like to continue the role?

If given the opportunity, I would jump at the chance to voice Isis again. Most definitely.

What games do you enjoy playing and are there any that you are looking forward to?

My go-to games have always been RPGs and Action. My favorite series’ are Zelda and Final Fantasy but I’m really looking forward to Arkham Knight and Kingdom Hearts III. Oh, and Rise of the Tomb Raider, of course!!

A big thank you to Rae for the interview!

1 comment:

  1. You will be amazed if you see the person behind the character in a movie who is doing the voice over.
    Character Voice
