Thursday 27 June 2019

"Justice For The 2615" Campaign Seeks Resolution To The Tomb Raider Suite's Unfulfilled Promises

While we tend to steer towards the more positive stories in the Tomb Raider community, one thing which has been hovering like a dark cloud in the fandom in recent years is the unfulfilled pledges and tense communications by the Tomb Raider Suite.

While initially an exciting project founded and steered by one of the most respected members of the original Tomb Raider development team, Nathan McCree, the campaign has been struggling with funding and delivering promised pledge rewards to fans who gave to the campaign to see the composer's dream come alive. While financial difficulties is the potential downfall of any Kickstarter projects, the campaign has been under closer scrutiny as it was given official Tomb Raider branding and public support by Square Enix and Crystal Dynamics. 

It's a situation that no one had hoped that the campaign would be in, especially with so many fans in the higher priced tiers yet to receive their promised items, even three years on. It's also a topic which you might not expect from a website which tries to focus on the positivity within the fandom. Well, the positivity in this story is from a public post by Tracie-Anne Swift (former Production Manager on the Tomb Raider Suite), who is determined to fight for the 2615 fans who contributed to the campaign, following her turbulent experience working within the campaign.

Photograph from the Tomb Raider Suite Facebook Page.

Tracie-Anne had posted both in the comments of the Kickstarter campaign (since automatically-removed after her pledges were cancelled) and the Tomb Raider Forums, her experience with Nathan, and what she hopes her campaign will achieve. She wants to talk to the legal department at Square Enix on behalf of the fans who were encouraged to pledge higher but who didn't receive their promised items. You can follow her progress on the Facebook Page, Justice for the 2615.

Tracie-Anne has asked anyone who has experienced the following to get in contact with her at, and explain your situation. Your story will be included into a log for the legal team:

A) If you received a broken CD and were expected to pay to return it.

B) If you cancelled your pledge and weren’t refunded.

C) If you never received your pledge.

D) If you have cancelled your website order and have never been refunded.

E) If you are still to receive your website order.

F) If you have a website account, check that you can still log into your account please and let Tracie-Anne know if not.

Following Tracie-Anne's post on the Tomb Raider Forums, Crystal Dynamics have been informed of the situation and is investigating. In addition to their investigation, Nathan McCree has published his own response to the allegations stating, "since Tracie-Anne left the project we have completed the pledges for the Digital Download, the first T-shirt run, the Jewel Case CDs, the Acrylic Logos and all paper products. We currently have the Deluxe Tin CDs and Vinyl Records on order. Our focus is now on the San Francisco Composer Buffet Reception and completing the remaining T-shirt orders." You can read his response in full, HERE.

Still if you backed the project and feel as though your voice has not been listened to or that you won't receive your items, we encourage you to contact Tracie-Anne via especially given Crystal's investigation into the situation. While this situation is the opposite of what was hoped for when the campaign began, the goal now is to understand the situation and how best to mend it.

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