Thursday 6 June 2019

Tomb Raider Marathon IV Raises $1,022.01 for Help Hope Live

Last month, Tomb Raider Marathon held their fifth charity livestream! The full broadcast lasted over thirty hours, and was packed with amazing Tomb Raider content, all to raise money for Help Hope Live.

First, a little about the charity: The charity at the centre of Tomb Raider Marathon IV* is Help Hope Live. Founded in 1983, the Philadelphia-based charity (US) helps provide assistance and fundraising support for medical costs uncovered by insurance. They help financial things such as medication, medical equipment, home healthcare, wheelchair modifications, physical therapy, treatments, medical travel, temporary relocation, and emergency living assistance. Annually, the charity helps over 3,000 families, and in their 35 year history, has assisted 3,900 patients in receiving transplants, and improved the quality of life for over 1,300 patients with injuries ranging from spinal cord to brain injuries and major illness.

Image from the marathon's Facebook page.

Tomb Raider Marathon IV was AMAZING. Having raised $5,526 for Help Hope Live and Direct Relief in previous events, the goal for this marathon was set at $500. The team did an amazing job smashing the original target and raising over twice that; bringing in $1,022.01 for Help Hope Live. The full amount now raised for charity is a staggering $6,548.01!

The event would also be the first one under a new format, with international fans stepping in to take over the livestream and keep the excitement going in shorter stints lasting a few hours. Players include ExpressLemming, WilliamMorrisTBOG, Japiapian, Genesis, Beckski, AJ, RandomPinkBunny, and ficedula, who played on platforms such as Gameboy Colour, Sega Saturn, and (the most popular platform during the marathon to stream on) PC. In total, nine different Tomb Raider and Lara Croft titles were played.

Viewers who tuned into the livestream also got a wonderful surprise as Earl Baylon, beloved nerd and amazing actor behind Jonah Maiava, joined Kias Raeyan (@genesisprobe) and Random Pink Bunny (@Randompinkbunny) on the second day of streaming to hand out. If you missed it, his two hour long chat was recorded and can viewed HERE.

Thank you to Matt, ExpressLemming, WilliamMorrisTBOG, Japiapian, Genesis, Beckski, AJ, RandomPinkBunny, ficedula, and Earl Baylon for bringing the livestream to life and raising so much money for such a worthy cause. You rock!

* It's the fifth gaming marathon, but forth livestream under the "Tomb Raider Marathon" name.

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