Sunday 21 June 2020

Square Enix Announces Eidos-Sherbrooke, A Research Studio For Eidos-Montréal

It hasn't been that long since we first heard news of Crystal Northwest, a studio expansion for Crystal Dynamics based in Bellevue, Washington. But recently, another studio expansion was publically announced, this time supporting the developers at Eidos-Montréal, the developers behind "Shadow of the Tomb Raider".

The new company is called Eidos-Sherbrooke, and it will be tasked to support research and development at Eidos-Montréal by "exploring, testing and applying new technologies to create the video games of tomorrow". Aspects of their research will look at cloud computing, real-time geo-morphing, voxel-based ray tracing, and multi-node game engines. "These technologies in a video game context will allow creating infinitely customizable, highly realistic and real-time environments, in addition to testing high-performance simulations for several users simultaneously. "
In a press release posted on the official Square Enix website, David Anfossi, Head of Studio at Eidos-Montreal explains the importance of the new studio. "More than two years ago, real reflection began on the new vision for Eidos-Montréal, and the creation of this new regional chapter is closely linked to it. We wanted to continue our controlled growth and keep people and technology at the heart of this vision. The opening of this new expert studio will provide tools for content developers to enrich the experience and immersion of players. The proximity to Montréal, renowned universities and the quality of life found in Sherbrooke are criteria that contributed to the final choice. "

The studio will be virtually operational this autumn with a starting team of twenty employees, who will be moving into their official premises at the start of next year. A five year plan has already been put into place which sees the studio increase their employee number to 100 developers as they continue to draw in international talent and veteran game developers. 

As for why Sherbrooke was selected as the location, Julien Bouvrais, CTO of Eidos-Montreal and head of Studio for Eidos-Sherbrooke, expands on why the location was selected, "Sherbrooke is an innovative city in our image! It offers all the opportunities to develop professionally and personally, while taking advantage of the technological potential of the city. With the universities of Sherbrooke and Bishop’s offering cutting-edge programs in computer science and programming, the region seems to us a great place for continuing to develop our fields of expertise. "

Recruitment has begun, with a number of new job positions posted on their website. You can find the full listing, HERE!

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